What Causes Tooth Decay?

Tooth decay, which is also known as a dental cavity, is a severe and dangerous dental issue that can damage your teeth and alter your oral health. Unfortunately, there are many things that cause tooth decay, and some of those things are: -Poor oral hygiene: This means you forget to brush twice a day, floss once a day, rinse daily, and visit your dentist every six months. If you fail to do these things, the harmful, decay-causing substances in your mouth won’t be removed, which can lead to cavity development. -Eating tooth-harming foods: This means eating sugary, high-carbohydrate, and acidic foods regularly. The sugar and carbohydrates promote cavity growth while the acid wears down the tooth enamel and gives the oral bacteria a chance to attack. If you think you might have a cavity, it’s important to call our office and schedule an appointment with your dentist, Dr. Scott Chandler. The sooner you receive treatment, the better because the cavity can spread and make the problem worse. Call Dr. Scott Chandler, DMD today at 435-649-2078 if you have any questions, if you would like to learn more, or if you need to schedule an appointment. Our dental team is here to help you in any way we can!

A Dentist Needs to Treat a Tooth with a Missing Filling

When a small cavity, minor dental fracture, or area of dental attrition forms on one of your teeth, it can often be treated with a simple dental filling. The specific material used to repair the tooth will be based on its location and the tooth’s prevalence in your smile. If you have further problems with maintaining good oral hygiene habits, or you develop a bad habit of skipping your routine dental checkups at Dr. Scott Chandler’s dental office, the dental filling could be at increased risk of failure. If a dental filling falls out, you should not delay in seeking treatment at Dr. Scott Chandler’s dental clinic. The longer you wait the more likely you are to experience severe complications of tooth decay or a dental fracture. If the missing dental filling was large, or a new area of decay has formed within the surrounding tooth enamel, there might not be enough healthy enamel for Dr. Scott Chandler to apply a new dental filling. In a situation like this, [heshe] might recommend a dental crown. This method of treatment is designed to replace the entire tooth enamel layer with an alternate material such as porcelain, gold, or a base metal alloy. If you live in the Park City, UT area and you have a tooth suffering from a bad or missing filling, you should call 435-649-2078 to seek treatment at Dr. Scott Chandler, DMD.

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